Arizona bill bitcoin legal tender

arizona bill bitcoin legal tender

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PARAGRAPHA set of new bills senators Wendy Rogers, Sonny Borrelli, and Justine Wadsack proposed letting voters decide in if virtual currency should be tax-exempt property.

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Arizona's Bill to make Bitcoin Legal Tender is Unconstitutional
REFERENCE TITLE: legal tender; specie; bitcoin. State of Arizona. Senate. Fifty-fifth Legislature. Second Regular Session. SB Introduced by. Senator. Rogers, a pro-Donald Trump Republican elected to Arizona's senate in , on Tuesday submitted a bill that would make bitcoin legal tender in. REFERENCE TITLE: legal tender; specie; bitcoin. State of Arizona. Senate. Fifty-sixth Legislature. First Regular Session. SB Introduced by. Senator.
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Proponents say bitcoin is a more efficient means for remittances and that the country's sharp post-COVID tourism recovery can be chalked up at least partially to crypto tourism. That's dampened a lot of the hype around bitcoin, but not all of it. A similar bill introduced by Rogers in was quickly shot down, however. Expertise Cryptocurrency, Culture, International News.