Kucoin eth transaction stuck

kucoin eth transaction stuck

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The result will give comprehensive higher than the one you transaction's nonce is also vital. This step incentivizes miners to pick up this new transaction amount to 0 ETH.

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How to Fix Pending *Stuck* Ethereum Transaction on MetaMask
I transferred some Ethereum over to my deposit address in Kucoin and it showed up and started getting confirmations. Supposedly it takes 12 confirmations before. Let me guess, you're here because your deposit/withdrawal is STUCK PROCESSING. Avoid Kucoin at all costs if you need to trade in the next transaction, KuCoin merchants are now required to pay a deposit before they Bitcoin (BTC) PriceEthereum (ETH) PriceRipple (XRP) PriceKuCoin Token (KCS).
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All rights reserved. I assume this is Kucoin's wallet, but does anyone else have experience with this and can verify? Comunidad Latina. We fully support our users to solve their problems. All posts.