Btc deposit acr confirmation time

btc deposit acr confirmation time

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The deposit of any bidder whose bid is not selected as a winning bid will be returned to the original account from which the deposit was received. We will begin. The period during which you held the virtual currency (known as the �holding period�) begins on the day after you acquired the virtual currency and ends on the. Deposit processing time varies from coin to coin and depends mostly on the network performance. Once the transaction has been sent.
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Because these transfers are confirmed directly between users and are located on a shared public ledger, Bitcoin eliminates the need for central facilitators, like governments and banks, to verify currency transactions. Crypto Assets credited to your Cryptocurrencies Hub can still become subject to subsequent holds or claims, including holds that limit your ability to transfer or sell Crypto Assets, or transfer or withdraw the proceeds from the sale of the Crypto Assets. The term "Crypto Assets" means the particular digital assets that PayPal supports and that you may buy, sell, and hold using your Cryptocurrencies Hub. Further, because fluctuations in the value of the Crypto Assets you are selling may affect the U.